Search Results for: PAUL BOYCE

Picture of San Francisco Homeless

San Francisco’s Homeless Crisis

The homeless rate in San Francisco reached over 9,700 people in 2019. That is an increase of 30 percent in two years. Such a large upsurge now brings the city’s homeless to among the highest in the USA.

Free Trade Shipping containers

The Importance of Free Trade

True free markets don’t exist anywhere in the world. This is because free markets and free trade go hand in hand. There exists no country that has free trade with every other. Although Hong Kong doesn’t operate a tariff regime, it is unable to export its products and services to others free of tariffs. Free market ideologies such as neoliberalism are attacked and concluded that they have failed.


About Boycewire was started with the aim to teach the key principles of economics and finance. Our goal is to allow our readers to understand both the more technical aspects of world economics while delivering impactful knowledge of finance to empower everyones understanding. 2018 We started life as an economics resource in 2018 and now