
The brand of economics that looks at the behaviour of individuals and businesses. In other words, it examines how consumers and businesses react to changes in variables. For example, how do consumers react to price changes and how does quality affect this decision making.

Giffen Good

Giffen Good

A Giffen good is an unusual type of inferior good in which an increase in price leads to an increase in quantity demanded, contradicting the typical inverse relationship between price and demand.

Inferior Goods

Inferior Goods

Inferior goods are products or services that experience a decrease in demand as consumer income rises, typically due to the availability of higher-quality alternatives.

market penetration

Market Penetration

Market penetration is a strategic approach aimed at increasing market share by entering or expanding within an existing market through aggressive pricing, promotional tactics, and improved product or service offerings.

Indifference Curve

An indifference curve is a graphical representation that shows different combinations of two goods, each providing the same level of satisfaction or utility to an individual.

Unit Elastic

Unit elastic demand refers to a situation where a change in price leads to an equivalent proportional change in quantity demanded, resulting in constant total expenditure.